You can improve your foul shot shooting with the FREE THROW TRAINER.
If you are coaching youth basketball, or attending some youth basketball camps,
make sure you are focused on improving your free throw shooting
as well as your 3 point shot game.
Here are free throw shooting tips that you can use to improve your basketball shooting.

By Al Heystek, Inventor of the "Nothin' But Net" FREE THROW TRAINER™ Find me at our website -
This is the text of our 5th of 5 Instructional Videos.
This video is on confidence.
If you want to see an incredible example of confidence check out Jacob Tucker online and watch him dunk a basketball.
It reminds me again of my high school basketball days.
We had a guy on our team named Bill who was 5’ 11” and could easily dunk. One practice there was a high school student from another school who showed up and approached Bill. They had a few words and then Bill asked coach if he could take a quick break. Bill took the ball dribbled a couple of times toward the basket and stuffed it down with extraordinary ease and confidence. The student handed Bill some money and left. Obviously there had been a wager about Bill’s ability to dunk and Bill won.
What if you had the same level of confidence to make a free throw that Bill had in dunking a basketball?
Dunking a basketball is a cool thing to watch and even cooler if you can do it. The problem is that dunking the ball doesn’t usually win basketball games in the final minutes. What more often is involved in winning or losing games in the final minutes is free throw shooting.
Ask yourself-on a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current level of confidence in making a free throw in your driveway or your practice gym? And then ask yourself the same question, scale from 1-10, how would you rate your confidence to make a free throw in a crucial last minute game situation? Remember that players in game situations will generally shoot about 10% less than they will in practice.
Increasing your confidence overall and in game situations is the goal here.
One way to improve your confidence for game situations is to improve your practice percentage by using the "Nothin' But Net" FREE THROW TRAINER™. For example if your practice percentage is currently 67 out of 100 you could work to improve that percentage to say, 75. If you can make 75 out of a hundred in practice that will improve your game percentage. Improving in practice will improve your game performance thereby increasing your confidence.
Confidence is critically important because it affects our attitude about free throws when we approach the line. Confidence energizes a belief in ourselves. "Yes, I can make this.”
Confidence comes from positive results and is related to believing in all the elements of your system-your ritual, your stroke, your mantra, your practice regimens. All of this has to do with getting better and better at shooting the ball straight (hitting the "Nothin' But Net" FREE THROW TRAINER™).
To increase your confidence in your system of shooting the ball straight and hitting the FREE THROW TRAINER™ try making some free throws without hitting the FREE THROW TRAINER™ (and not by banking it or by shooting a high arc over the FREE THROW TRAINER™). You will find that it can be done but it isn’t easy to do, because the primary way free throws are made is that they are shot straight. You have a good system, trust in it and it will improve your confidence.
Confidence to shoot free throws well is learned. There are some great players in the NBA who are not that confident at the free throw line. Usually when a player’s results in shooting free throws is poor, then it is difficult to feel very confident on the line.
But even good free throw shooters can have moments of lost confidence and miss very crucial free throws. So whether you are now quite confident in your free throw shooting or not so confident you can still learn to increase your confidence at the free throw line, especially in pressure situations.
You can improve the level of confidence in shooting free throws if you want. And lacking some confidence can be a great motivator to make a commitment to improve, work at your mechanics, increase your practice free throw percentage by using the FREE THROW TRAINER™ and see what happens.
This has been Al Heystek, Inventor of the "Nothin' But Net" FREE THROW TRAINER™
Al Heystek and Andy Atwood
Heystek & Atwood, LLC
Inventors of the Patent Pending "Nothin' But Net" FREE THROW TRAINER™